Third Incarnation.

Although te Minor Chambers of the Fortress of the Unforgiven may look unappealing at first glance, take it from me there are many hours of enjoyment secreted within them. Most of these are in support of the gamers, their achievements as well as the achievements and record of the Fortress itself.


Introduction: Contains mainly an overview of the hobby, the game and the universe of WH 40,000. It is aimed at the complete stranger, mainly at parents and hopes to provide a quick overview of our hobby.

Site Navigation: This section provides an overview of all the buttons and icons, their functions and their use along with an overview of the structure of the site and finally a decent a sitemap.

News & Updates: Contains the latest Fortress update and acts as an Unforgiven newsletter. I hope to use this as a way of informing the Dark Angel fraternity of all things relating to their hobby.

Events & Competitions: Here you will find detailed descriptions of some events attended by the webmaster including a couple of gamesdays and also lists the annual competitions held by the Fortress. Those links then lead to subsections which describe the competitions, particpant entries and winners.

Halls of Honour: I may be boasting, but this is likely the largest and most comprehensive Halls of Honour on the web. Every contribution to the Fortress is listed here, by the contributor's name in alphabetical order. The contributor's real name is listed with his web non de guerre below it. Where the person wishes to remain anonymous only the nom de guerre is listed.

A number of awards are given to each contributor depending on the type of contribution (eg tactcia, fiction, armu display) In addition, for each contribution a single purity seal is also awarded and linked to that particular article. Also listed separately are those who are honoured in special terms as well as a separate subsection listing the accomplishments of the members of the Inner Circle.

Link with the Fortress: Obviously the section where the Fortress banners and icons are listed for use by anyone who wishes to create a link to this site either from their forum signatures or their web sites.

Submit Content: This section provides the details of how to submit any of your work for display on the Fortress. Strict conditions are required but you don't have to be a master or genius to have your work displayed on this site.

Unforgiven Web Award Program: The web award program for 40K related web sites. This provides the details of the awards, requirements, submission and assessment guidelines for prospective webmasters to apply for these awards.

Awards & Recognition: Here you will find recognition and honours bestowed upon this site. These range from emails from fellow gamers (which are the ones that truky make me continue this web site), a few snippets in GW publications, and web awards from other web sites. A little bit of a show case but hey, I did put in the work to receive them.

Memoirs of the Keeper: These are really a documentation of my thoughts from the time of the web sites original creation. These are mostly news and updates but I plan to change them in to a sort of a monthly or bi-monthly newsletter.

Email the Keeper: Press the button to send me an email.

Copyright, Privacy & the Law: The essential statement about GW's intellectual property and copyright. The main aim of this site is to increase the participation and enjoyment in the hobby and it fully supports Games Workshop's policy on and defence of Intellectual Property

Inner Circle: This section gives you an insight I to the workings of the Inner Circle, the group that was formed by very dedicated and fanatical Dark Angel players, initially during the Eye of Terror campaign. They have watched over the Dark Angel community ever since that day. See their true faces, their accomplishments, purpose and other details.

Well that is it for the moment. Until the next update, keep gaming modelling and generally enjoying yourselves but I ask you all to always think if whatever you are doing might be a useful article for the Fortress site.

May the Lion and the Emperor Protect You!
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