Doctrinae Unforgiven
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The Angel will lead you to the Site Navigation
By ( Steve Turner )
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Never Ending Fables
Epics of Redemption
Fables of the Unforgiven
Tomes of Valour
Sagas of the Fallen Angels
More Later
The three Orks fired their rocket launchers. The two outer missiles collided into each other and veered back into the Orks, annihilating the recipients. The third missile struck dead center into the column of terminators on the left side of Voltron. A loud explosion sounded. Voltron looked over to that side where seven terminators had just been standing. Only three remained, and they were all stunned. The thinning air filled with the battle cry of more charging Orks. 'Switch!' shouted Voltron. The terminators waiting in reserve grabbed their wobbling brethren and pulled them back behind the commander and Uzimel. Then they took their place. Voltron rapid fired his plasma pistol into the oncoming Ork horde pressing rapidly towards the weakened column. Huge gouts of blazing energy consumed them. The assault terminator holding a thunderhammer on the side of the Iron Wing closest to the next tunnel shouted 'The Orks have fortified themselves in the direction we're heading. We can't breach them.' Voltron looked to his right side and saw the vast lines of Orks massed against the wall. Many of them were quite big and held sharp gleaming choppas. 'Break the Iron Wing.' the commander barked, 'I want two wedges, one on each side of me, facing the objective. Uzimel, stand with your back against my mine. I want an inverted wedge on either side of him. Another wedge will cover the gap facing out from the wall.' Each wedge consisted of three terminators, one flanked by the other two.

'You four armed with assault weapons, charge the objective!' Voltron cried. The four assault terminators looked at their commander, and then ran straight into the enemy's crowd. The two armed with thunderhammers were quickly overwhelmed but managed to take a few Orks with them, smashing their skulls wide open. Big pieces of Ork brain fell out onto the floor. The two other assault marines struck quickly and repeatedly with their lightning claws, hitting their enemies' midsections, and slicing into their guts. The wounded Orks bent over and were swiftly beheaded by the next blow from the assault terminators. These two marines were soon besieged by the sheer mass of the Orks' numbers. However, their sudden attack had successfully prevented the aliens from charging into their brother marines. 'Everyone face the passage and rapid fire your storm bolters on my command.' ordered Voltron. 'Wait until they're just in front of us. Each and every bolt must hit its mark.'

A Nob lifted his choppa and screamed at the traitor marines. Then the mass of Orks broke into a fast charge. The commander lifted his gauntlet and signaled his marines to open fire, just before the rushing Orks reached them. Thirty-four bolts blasted from the barrels of the storm bolters and simultaneously burst into the enemy. Not one of the charging Orks was left standing.' "Now is our chance, move!' Voltron led his terminators over the bodies of the dead Orks and quickly ran towards the next tunnel. There was still a large number of Orks left. They swiftly closed in towards the Fallen Angels. Voltron reached the control panel beside the entrance of the tunnel and keyed in the entry code. The door pulled back into the wall, revealing the tunnel within. Voltron stood beside the entrance and repeatedly fired his plasma pistol into the Orks as each terminator rushed into the tunnel. Suddenly the sidearm shrieked. The commander deftly flung it into the advancing enemy tide and watched his pistol explode. The Orks drew back behind each other, attempting to cover themselves from the blazing mist of plasma. Then Voltron stepped inside the tunnel. 'We've lost seven good brothers so far today.' he thought as the door automatically closed behind him.

Voltron led his men a short distance into the tunnel. 'We don't have much time left. Uzimel, you remain here with our brothers while I go on to the prison. If I'm not back within an hour, then return to the Thunderhawk and depart. I'm sure that the Dark Angels have sent a convoy. There is no reason to sacrifice everyone if I encounter any problems.'

Uzimel spoke 'My lord, what if there are Dark Angels still here? I would like to suggest that a few of us accompany you.' 'I appreciate your concern Uzimel, but I'm going alone.' said Voltron. 'Now listen carefully, if you have to leave without me, make sure that the explosives are detonated. Also, I can still sense the Orks waiting outside. There is no guarantee that they'll depart anytime soon, seeing how stubborn those brutes are. The gunners should soon return. Have them clear a path if you have to leave without me.' The commander of the Fallen saluted his brothers and strode off into the depths of the tunnel. Voltron began to descend and disappeared after the first fifty paces. He soon came upon a deep chasm that gutted the tunnel floor. He could just see across to the other side. There was no way to breech the gap without a jump pack. Voltron stooped over and ran one of his gauntlets along the floor close to the wall. His fingers searched for a seam. He found a small crack and pried his fingers into it. Small bits of wall gave way. Voltron dug his fingers in deep, forming a small hole. Then he removed a piton from a small leather pouch tied to his belt. Voltron pounded the head of the piton into the hole with his fist, and then pulled the looped end of a thick metal wire from a reel fitted to his armor over the top, pulling it tight. The Fallen Angel walked backwards until both his feet were balanced along the edge of the chasm and abseiled down. His visor automatically adjusted to the increasing darkness as he kicked off the wall, leaping quickly along into the depths. Silence engulfed him. His feet suddenly slipped away from the wall, Voltron had unexpectedly reached the end of the wire, jerking him about. He slowly spiraled, dangling from the end of the cable. Voltron drew the top of his sword from its scabbard and pulled the exposed edge of the blade along the line. It snapped and he fell further down into the abyss.

The commander was surrounded by shadows as his feet smacked bottom. He pushed a button on the wrist of his left gauntlet, activating a bright lamp fitted on the top of his helmet. Voltron turned his head from side to side, surveying his new surroundings. He had dropped into another tunnel. The traitor marine checked his graphical navigation display inside his helmet, then proceeded forward, moving in the same direction as the other tunnel up above. Lights mounted along both walls abruptly turned on. His lamp automatically switched off. Full-size figures of Fallen Angels had been intricately carved into the stonewalls on either side. He could easily distinguish those that had been tainted by the dark forces of Chaos. Their names were mounted above them. The name Cypher, one of the most infamous Fallen Angels, was also mounted; however, his image was missing.

Voltron walked to the end of the tunnel and paused, another figure in his perfect likeness stood before him. He looked up at the name mounted above it, then the commander quickly walked away. A small hatch made of black metal protruded from the wall, in the center was a square keyhole. Voltron pulled off both his gauntlets and helmet. He sat down on the floor, cradled his head in his hands, and concentrated. Energy leaped from his hands as he pulled them away from his head. Voltron chanted softly in an alien tongue. His hands blazed with green flames as he grasped the edge of the hatch. Then he tore away it from the wall. The flames exploded from his hands, running along the length of his armor, licking at the hole left from the detached hatch. The stone started to melt and dripped down into a molten puddle on the floor. Voltron hastily somersaulted backwards as the portal imploded into the wall. He stood up and put his gauntlets back on his smoldering hands. Then he crawled on his belly through the fiery opening into a little chamber. Voltron reached back through the gap and grabbed his helmet.

He climbed to his knees, and then stood up again.  He looked around; large iron tombs were lined up against each other along the floor.  The Fallen Angel walked amongst them towards the rear of the small crypt.  He switched on his helmet's lamp, and examined the nameplates mounted at the base of each sepulcher.  Each one corresponded to one of the figures outside.  The past Master stopped at the back of the crypt.  One tomb had been laid separate from the rest.  This one was carved from obsidian.  The same name he had seen mounted above his figure was embossed on the black covering.  Voltron kneeled beside it and drew a small knife with a monomolecular edge from a golden sheath fixed to the calf of his right legging.  Then he slipped the blade underneath the cover and slid it along the edge.  He twisted the blade sharply when the tip struck the hidden lock.  Voltron pried the tip of his dagger into the mechanism and twisted it once more.

The lock sprang open and dark green light emanated from the sarcophagus as the cover popped open.  Voltron dropped his knife and grasped the edge, pulling the top away.  Dank odor filled his nostrils, choking him as tears fell from his eyes.  'Don't be afraid of the green light!' he told himself.  Voltron looked inside.  Within the tomb rested his naked body, the green light seemed to glow from beneath the body's naked skin.  He shuddered and fell back.  Then he leaned over the resting place again and caught his breath.  The commander placed the palm of his right glove over the other's forehead and spread his trembling fingers.  Gradually a psychic link extended from his mind, reaching into the psyche of his twin.  'Zed, my dear brother, I have finally found you!' he called out to the other one.  'I have come to take your place.'  Voltron concentrated as sweat dripped from his brow.  'All of memories are rapidly seeping into you, bit by bit.'  His head began to ache.

'Here my thoughts I wish you to hear.  None of the other Fallen here knows our true fate, I promised to free you.  Now you know that my word is still true.'  The body of his twin brother stirred for a moment then fell still.  'You will take my place.  Are you surprised?  Don't hate me!  You can lead my band of Fallen Angels.  No one knows expect for me, and now you too.  In time you may find this new life will suit you.  We are still the same!' Voltron sat back and removed his suit of artificer armor, piece by piece, piling them beside the tomb.  Then he laid down his power sword, and looked into the tomb once more.  The Fallen Angel bent over and lifted the immobile body of his brother.  The sinister green light emanating from Zed flickered then extinguished.  Voltron's eyelids suddenly felt heavy then he passed out. Zed simultaneously opened his eyes and slowly sat up.  He could feel the grip of deep dark stasis delving into Voltron.  He laughed so hard that he coughed up a bit of phlegm lodged in his lungs.  'Foolish brother!'  Then he stood up and placed his brother's limp body inside his former resting place while he cackled to himself 'Don't be afraid of the green light.  Maybe one day it will lead me back to your grave.'  Voltron's body glowed.

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