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By Pablo Perez Tineo ( Lemariont )
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Legions of the Unforgiven
These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Pablo Perez Tineo
Strike force background edited by the Shadow Guard
Land Speeder Squadron Ravager
Brother Sergeant Ravager (Landspeeder Pilot)
In 880 M41 Ravager is promoted to Sergeant after battling the Ithorianas. He then participated in the Heroic actions of the Throat of the Prax campaign in 936 M41 alongside to Isaac. He lost his left leg, during this battle and had a bionic leg implanted after the battle. In 950 Ms 41 after one last bout of rehabilitation and training left the motorbikes to pilot a Landspeeder of the ravenwing.
Land Speeder Squadron Redemptor

Lucien Brother (Landspeeder Gunner): Lucien was incorporate din to the Ravenwing as a landspeeder gunner in 860 M41 after demonstrating great skill and
Bike Squad Exanimare
(Red Squad)

Red Squadron is specialized to annihilate heavy infantry and vehicles and is led by Brother Sergeant Exanimare.

Scout Exanimere is the only survivor of Thug´s Dehorn in 875 M41. Several scout squads exploring landing zones for a space marine force were surprised and overwhelmed by several hordes of motorized orks. After several days of pursuit he was able to escape on his bike and relay the disaster to the command post. He was transferred to the Ravenwing in 912 M41 and remained under training until the 936 when he was accepted as a full fledged member. The year 977 M41 saw exemplary service on the Gadeon Planet where he immobilized a Landraider of the Forces of the Chaos and proceeded to kill all its unholy passengers. He distinguished himself facing the Tyranid hordes on the planet Zaragotham in 999 Ms 41.
Bike Squad Exalta (Green Squad)

Green Squadron is specialized in destroying light infantry and is led by Brother Sergeant Exalta

Exalta joined the Ravenwing in 936 M41 and in 950 M41 came to be renown in the Pacification of Talato IV, ascending to sergeant and specializing in assault to infantry.
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Deathwing Strike Forces
Sanctum of Heroes
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.
Land Speeder Squadron Ravager
Brother Sergeant Ravager
marksmanship at high speeds. He was shot down in the Forests of Fansoriaduring the Ork Wars on the planet Thug in 875 M41 where he stayed by the side of his badly wounded pilot. They were discovered by an Ork patrol and although Lucien was able to escape the pilot died at the hands of the orks after much torture. Evading the Orks on foot for many days and following many small skirmishes he was rescued. He has since had a special haterd for all thins orkoid, cleansing any such matter with the righteous power of his heavy bolter.

Brother Sergeant Lucien
Land Speeder Squadron Redemptor
Bike Squad Exanimare
Sergeant Exanimare
Brother Sergeant Raptor
Land Speeder Squadron Raptor