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Segmentum Tempestus
War in the Heavens

This world was the base and home world of the Astral Claws chapter of Spacemarines. They were stationed strategically to police and secure the Western and Southern fringes of the Maelstrom. In 901.M41, Lufgt Huron, Chapter master of the Astral Claws and the Lord of Badab destroyed an imperial investigation fleet with the loss of over 23,000 lives. Many inconsistancies in the behaviour of the Astral Claws came to a head in 904M41when they attacked a vessel belonging to the Fire Hawks chapter, with the latter retaliating. Soon more than five separate Spacemarine chapters were involved in the fighting, with the Lamenters, Mantis Warriors and the Executioners supporting the Astral Claws and Huron declaring secession from the Imperium.

After hard fighting by numerous Spacemarine chapters, the Badab system was finally neutralised and Badab itself captured in 912M41, with the Astral Claws all but destroyed. A small force of about 200 Astral Claws broke through the imperial blockade and escaped in to the Maelstrom. Of Lufgt Huron there was no sign. The Astral Claws were expunged and the Lamenters, Executioners and Mantis Warriors pardoned pending a 100 year crusade.
Member of the Inner Circle
Chronicled By ( Shadow Guard )