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By Todd Evans (Master Toddius)
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Legions of the Unforgiven
These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Todd Evans.
Interrogator Chaplain Leviticus

The Interrogator Chaplain Leviticus Hand chose the Second Squad of the Strike group whom also act as his body guard. Leviticus was chosen for his task because of his ability to capture the fallen where found. His tactics of racing in and cornering his fallen brothers and bring them to their knees with the help of the second squad is uncanny. Some say he has psychic abilites and can sense the presence of chaos and the powers within it. He is armed with the Rosarious and Crozious Arcanum, Blades of Reason, and frag grenades.

The Second Squad of Corvus's army is also some the best of the Dark Angels Second Company. They were chosen for their extensive experience in forward scouting for the Founder
Legion Dark Angels. Their exposure to Founder  tactics and edicts make them a good squad for purposes of moral and leading by example. They are the ever reminder of the Founders creed for destroying all who would threaten the sanctity of the human race and the Emperors finest, the Dark Angels. Veteran Sergeant Phentoris is armed with a power sword and frag grenades. The squad itself is adept at finding firing points to block off enemy routes of attack and open up with accurate firepower whilst the rest of the force advances. The squad is armed with two Plasma Guns and accompanied by an attack bike armed with heavy bolter.

The Third Squad is the largest group which forms the Corvus Strike force. It includes the Third Squad Bike Group and Speeders. The bike squad was recruited form a desert planet called Gadroon that became desolate after a chaos planetary bombardment which destroyed the world's environment and all but a few of the inhabitants. The planet is rich with

The Attack Bike Group includes member of the second and third company. Attack Bikers are expected to ride close support of the bulk of the main RavenWing force and then break off and attack targets of opportunity designated by Corvus and Leviticus. They are trained to cloak themselves with terrain and attack heavily armored threats at high speeds.
The Third Squad Tornado Group Praemo act both as Corvus's body guard while he's in his speeder and as forward air support for the main fighting force. The squad is filled with recruits from Gadroon which are adept at
Bike Squad III
valuable minerals that are used in the crystal matrices of Imperium weapons, communication systems, and sensors. Because the world is often visited by pirates and thieves the survivors had to learn and adapt to desert warfare and low altitude flight. The conditions for flight produced some of the best speeder pilots and bikers in the Dark Angel Legion. Adept in fighting over rough rocky terrain and in the open these warriors learned the ways of dodge and jink to avoid enemy fire. They also became famous for their abilities as huntsmen in the harshest of conditions in order to cleanse their world of the scum that would rape them of their wealth. The Bike Squad is lead by a Veteran Sergeant named Katharius who became their sergeant based upon his performance and abilities which earned respect of his troops. The people of Gadroon choose their leaders based upon respect and accomplishment. The loyalty of the Gad's is legendary since other pirate guilds constantly attempt to bribe and manipulate the natives into joining their raiding parties. Deceit can be the downfall of their race and culture which has survived for thousands of generations. The Gad's, and therefore the Third Squad, are also adept at laying traps and mines which killed would be assasins and pirates before they even arrived at the mineral depots. Katharius is armed with a powersword and frag grenades. The squad is also armed with a Plasma Gun, Melta Gun, and is accompanied by an attack bike armed with a MultiMelta.
Bike Squad II
Speeder Group Hydra
Tornado Group Praemo
slashing attacks and cloaking themselves with terrain. These pilots are renowned for their abilities to pop up and attack with Heavy Bolters while closing in and opening up with their devastating Assault Cannons. The pilots are also well known for navigating around enemy lines undetected in order to cross fire enemy troops while the main force makes pinpoint overwhelming attacks.

The Third Squad Speeder Group Hydra is armed with MultiMeltas. The pilots of these speeders are used to close support the attack bike groups when making assaults on bunkers and heavily armored vehicles. Many a tank and stronghold has fallen to these fearless speeder crews. The gunners have indepth understanding in building and bunker construction and can target the weakest and most vulnerable points available while moving at high speeds. The pilot themselves are aslo well known for their navigation skills and can fly complex routes while in close proximity to other speeders and consequently hit deep into the heart of the enemy ranks and support.
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Deathwing Strike Forces
Sanctum of Heroes
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.