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By Erik Johnson
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Erik Johnson is an avid WH40K hobbyist, who has had extensive experience in the tournament setting. It is a great privilege that he has given his kind permission to display this army which took part in the 2003 Chicago Grand Tournament, on the Fortress of the Unforgiven.
Legions of the Unforgiven
6th Tactical Squad

Led by Sergeant Saphir the 6th squad is another squad that has been assigned a Razorback transport.  Notably, the driver of the Razorback, Brother Neah has been commended for his excellence and valor in battle. Brother Neah has been credited with the destruction of no less than three enemy squads without using the Razorback's primary weaponry. The enemies of the Dark Angels tremble to see his blessed Razorback bearing down on them.
7th & 8th Assault Squads

The seventh assault squad is led by Sergeant Lekah
The 7th squad has the honor of acting as the Honor Guard for Interrogator-Chaplain Ashriel, at such times as he takes the field of battle.  They have seen the capture of several prisoners, one of which was known to be a Fallen who joined the Iron Warriors chapter of traitors.

The eighth assault squad led by Sergeant Nahath
The 8th Assault squad is a newly revitalized squad for the 5th Company. Battlefield casualties resulted in the 7th Squad splitting up and forming a new 8th squad. The 8th squad has performed admirably (especially against the Orks) so far, but they have yet to distinguish themselves in battle.
9th Devastator Squad

The ninth devastator squad is led by Sergeant Thelasar. The preferred weapons for the Devestators of the 5th Company are Missile Launchers and Lascannons. Plasma Cannons being generally reserved for the Brothers of the Tactical squads. The 9th squad has distinguished itself against foes such as heretic Imperial Guard and Necrons. Despite the emphasis on heavy Weapons, they are just as fierce as any Tactical squad, once, driving off a superior number of Traitor Assault marines.
10th Devastator Squad

The tenth devastator squad is led by Sergeant Ananias. The preferred weapons for the Devestators of the 5th Company are Missile Launchers and Lascannons. Plasma Cannons being generally reserved for the Brothers of the Tactical squads. The 10th squad is just as fierce as any Tactical squad. Notably, they have destroyed Traitor Obliterators in hand-to-hand combat.
Rhino and Razorback pattern Transports

Especially well-known in the Dark Angels chapter, the drivers and crew of the Rhino and Razorback transports are held in high regard. Most of the drivers are former members of the Ravenwing, and it is said that a driver of the 5th Company has as much skill and expertise with a transport as they did with a bike. It is a very rare event if a transport returns from battle disabled due to adverse battlefield conditions.
Sanctum of Heroes
Deathwing Strike Forces
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.