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By Kris Kronig (risK)
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These images have been reproduced with the kind permission of Kris Kronig.
Chapter background outlined by Kris and written and edited by the Shadow Guard
Legions of the Unforgiven
Chaplain Nathaniel Hiob & Assault Squad

Nathaniel leads the jump pack armed assault squad in support of the bike mounted elements. Ferocious in close combat they strive for the day that they are able to capture one of the fallen traitors from 10,000 years ago.
Devastator Squad Tsarja

Armed with a variety of heavy weapons, including the ubiquitous missile launcher, heavy bolter and multi melta, this squad is highly flexible in their battle field abilities, ableto take on light infantry and heavy armour at close range  with equal skill.
Devastator Squad Kernel

Armed specifically for stopping armured enemy marine assaults the squads lascannon and plasmacannons are the bane of chaos armour.

Land Raider Crusader

Although nominally the command vehicle of Grandmaster Kronig and his terminator command squad, this assault vehicle has at times been used effectively as a mobile reserve. Its extensive fire power having the ability to break infantry assault on its own while being immune to all but the most powerful of battle field weapons.
Choir of Silent Angels

The Angeli Cantori no longer sing their battle hymns and litanies. They fight in silence and continue to serve the emperor and the imperium. Inquisitor Istvaan Hieronymus von Tobel continues to follow their activities in the belief that his plans remain uncovered. The chapter as a whole knows their true roots but the depth of that knowledge depends on the level of their standing within their own inner circle. They persevere to keep their knowledge secret from the prying eyes of the inquisitor, thus having for themselves a strong ally within the highest echelons of the terran administratum. They walk the fine but dangerous line of deceiving the inquisitor while continueing their arduous task of repentance and hunting the fallen.
Sanctum of Heroes
Deathwing Strike Forces
Ravenwing Strike Forces
Composite Battle Forces
EPIC Battle Forces
Battle Fleets of the Unforgiven
Battle Fields of the Unforgiven
The Fallen Brothers.