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The universe, Warp and the Early man.

The universe in the Warhammer 40K system, as we know it is made up of two parallel realms. The physical realm is the one we know of, consisting of galaxies, star systems and worlds with physical space in between. This realm is influenced by the conventional science of physics. The alternate reality is called by many names, such as "the warp", "warp space", "sea of souls" or "the realm of chaos" It is composed entirely of psychic energy, which whirl and eddy constantly. Every living creature contributes its psychic energy to this alternate realm. Our thoughts and emotions are mirrored there. It is the spiritual reflection of the life of the entire universe. The laws of physics do not apply in this realm, which is inhabited by creatures of the warp, that you will later learn to be called demons and demon gods.

Originally the natural psychic forces of all animals and plants flowed harmoniously creating a unifying force flowing through all living beings. Their relatively simple thoughts and emotions maintained smooth psychic flow within the warp. As intelligent races developed, their extremely potent minds filled the warp with very powerful energies, which were not harmonious. These negative energies, in time coalesced in to troublesome spots, which then grew in size, developing a consciousness of their own, resulting in the chaos powers that we know now as chaos gods.

The primitive man, the hunters and harvesters of ancient times had a special relationship with the warp. The natural energies of the warp flowed harmoniously through them too. Some humans were more sensitive to these energies, and being able to discern subtle variations, were able to predict future occurrences and therefore benefit their communities. These were the witch doctors; the shamans; the psychics. However as humans and their civilisations developed, their myriad feelings such as power ambition and greed began to disturb the natural flow of the warp. This inevitably made the warp less accessible to the shamans and also detached the human race from their natural connection to the warp. These new forces became localised forming new focuses in the warp resulting in the formation of the chaos powers.

Long before the human race developed their appreciation of this realm of chaos, many other races had flourished in the universe. As old as the stars themselves, sentient beings were born within the roiling energy of massive stars. These would in later millennia be known and feared as the C'tan gods. These beings lived off the energy of newly born stars, completely ignorant of the cooler planetary systems forming around them and the sentient beings beginning to flourish. The earliest of the sentient beings who mastered star travel were the Slaan. Highly intelligent, the Slaan or the Old Ones, devined the science of astronomy and the art of astrology to a finite level. Their mastery of the warp was paramount and they understood the importance that each sentient life played in the universe. They nourished and nurtured new life and newer races wherever they went.

In their wake younger more vibrant races also thrived. One such race of beings, called the Necrontyr was born in a terrible star system. Constantly bombarded by their ultra radiant star, they had but a very short life and all their energy was focused in to scientific achievements aimed at survival. As they came in to contact with the Old Ones, the longevity nearing on near immortality and mastery of the universe the latter displayed resulted in terrible and vengeful conflict. Despite the scientifically advanced nature of the Necrontyr, they were consistently outmaneuvered by the old ones who used their warp portals and understanding of the universe to dramatic effect. The Necrontyr were pushed back to their system. It was then that the Necrontyr somehow tapped the potential of the sentient beings within the stars, awakening what would eventually be the truly awesome might of the C'tan Gods. These beings provided the Necrontyr with terrible weapons of war and as a final gift harvested the entire population in to automatons, giving them the immortality they had so dearly sought. The entire Necrontyr civilization then became necrons, the mechanical slaves of the C'tan gods.

Armed with terrible weapons of war and supported by their inhumane gods, the Necrons now took the battle back to the Old Ones. Hundreds upon hundreds of civilizations nurtured by the Old Ones became fodder for the C'tan gods as billions were culled without mercy. The essence of life becoming a much sought after morsel amongst those terrible gods. It was around this time that the C'tan Gods turned amongst each other, consuming one another with hated passion until only four were left. As the Old Ones were pushed back, their legendary patience running short, they contemplated their options. This respite had allowed the them to develop the newer, psychically more powerful races able to tap the energy of the empyrean. These launched a counter attack against the relentless assault of the mechanoid Necrons sending them reeling back. The warp was anathema to the C'tan, who once and for all devised a great plan to completely separate the warp from the material universe thus depriving the Old Ones of their source of power.

However before that could happen, the psychic emotions which were mirrored in the warp resulted in unforseen creations. These warp entities became terrible predators, invading the material realm through the warp portals and the minds of psychers. As the Old Ones turned to face this unforeseen threat, other races took advantage, especially the enslavers. As the Old Ones' warp portals were lost to them, their civilization collapsed. As the live population of the galaxy was culled, the C'tan gods were running out of sustenance so went in to hibernation in a vast number of dead worlds. They would re-emerge when a race suitable to be their slaves disturbed their tombs once again. Thus the galaxy suffered the most terrible of wars and in its aftermath returned to a peaceful quiet as the new life bagan anew. The Eldar race, created by the Old Ones, reached an unimaginable level of psychic development. Having discovered their warp portal technology, they held sway over the universe even as the human society slowly developed in to a space-faring race.

Birth of the New Man 

When shamans, those humans with the gift of tapping in to the warp died, their souls entered the warp bathing and flowing with the natural energies until reborn in another body. However, with the disturbances in the natural rhythm of the warp that humanity created, this was becoming more difficult. Souls were being lost to the malign predatory chaos powers that now emerged in the warp. As their ability to lead and protect their communities receded, the worried shamans began a long debate and research lasting hundreds of years. At its conclusion they realised that they were doomed, as they would gradually be consumed by the warp entities, and that without them, all of mankind was doomed to the predations of the chaos powers.

They finally concluded that the only hope for mankind was to pool all their energies in to he creation a single immortal being, who would guide humankind to their destiny. Being immortal, he would not need to be reincarnated and thus not be at the mercy of the chaos powers in the warp. Shamans in the thousands committed suicide and their kind was gone forever from the earth. Their energies coalesced together in the warp and within an year was born as a single entity of immense power. The new man. The emperor of mankind!

For thirty eight thousand years the immortal New man wandered the earth, first observing but then taking on various personae to guide and advance humanity. As the human race prospered the warp became disturbed by their myriad thoughts and emotions and its natural flow could no longer sustain the planet. Despite the New mans' best efforts, the intrinsic traits of martial honour, self -satisfaction and ambition resulted in persecution and war. These emotions also fed the newly developing powers in the warp.

Even before the coalesced emotions and psychic forces in the warp developed their own consciousness, they sensed the presence of the new man and that this future Emperor was their greatest enemy. Khorne, the blood god, was the first of these chaos powers to fully awaken, as massive wars swept throughout the earth. This was followed by Tzeentch, the Changer of ways as nations developed political intrigue and diplomatic manipulations. Finally Nurgle, the god of plague awoke, sweeping the earth with famine and disease. By the middle ages, all three had fully awakened.
Doctrinae Unforgiven
EPIC Strategy
Gathering of Angels
Legio Infitiales Venia
Battle Honours
Codex Astartes Angelus Mortis
Apocrypha Caliban
Chronicled By ( Shadow Guard )
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This entire section is one attempt to describe the long history of the Dark Angels in a linear form. Every known piece of history and event based on GW publications has been written in my own words and linked together in a reasonably plausible manner by additional fiction. This is in no way the official GW version nor is it in anyway an attempt to infringe on their IP. There are many versions of imperial history buried within the sands of time and this is but just one of them. Read on if you dare!