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A few seconds later both bone white gunships landed to the north of the settlement, blocking the access to the plains beyond. The rapid exit of the fifty, bone-white power armour clad space marines was just as impressive and disciplined as their counter parts on the other side. Three tactical squads and two assault squads disembarked rapidly. The absence of devastators compensated by the appearance of a massive war machine, a living dreadnought, an ancient warrior encased in adamantium to serve the emperor despite being close to physical death. The assault cannon on the ancient dreadnought whirled in anticipation as it flexed the massive power claw on the other arm. Barely thirty seconds had elapsed since the first touch down and the strike force was completely deployed and converging in two semi circles towards the settlements.

Grandmaster of librarians, the venerable Ezekiel looked around the settlement with eyes that had seen battle experience for centuries. The most powerful librarian within the Dark Angel chapter, he was well known for his mental fortitude and psychic prowess. His capacity to predict the enemy's actions were legendary and one which had made him insist on leading this mission. The value attached to this mission was evidenced by the presence of his counter part in the Angels of Vengeance, grandmaster of librarians Azadael. Ezekiel expected foul play, involvement of the dark powers and something quite unexpected. That much he was convinced. But there also lay grey and unpredictable future that neither he nor the emperor's tarot could not divine. He had taken multiple precautions, because of the underlying feeling of dread that had been with him ever since they learned of this settlement and its likely function. This was very likely the headquarters of the 'Cult of the Voice', that impostor and traitor, Fallen 100, had very likely used this as the base for his blasphemous actions. Ezekiel looked around once again. Master Sammael was leading his men, who were moving like a well oiled machine, nary a word spoken between them. The command rhino advanced along side the devastators, the twin storm bolters covering the advance menacingly. Interrogator-chaplain Hanan kept in step with the librarian. His right hand held the ancient Crozius Arcanum lightly, his index finger close to the activation button. The bolt pistol hung loosely at his waist while his left hand unconsciously played with the sharp blade that was his trademark tool. Ezekiel once again reached out with his mind, his powers enhanced by his psychic hood, to feel the presence of danger, of the enemy, of any threat. Try as he might, the disturbing fact was that he recognised no such threat, yet his inner mind warned him of impending doom. That feeling slowly continued to build up, reaching fever pitch, just as the leading marines entered the outer perimeter. Azadael felt his colleague's unease, and concurred with him the same nauseating sensation of impending death. Both men, giants in the realms of the psychic, desperately and vainly scanned the region with their combined powers to seek out the lurking danger.

The dark powers were at play here, and they were shielding something. Whatever was within the settlement it was being shielded psychically. The danger bells were ringing within both their minds and the sensation was being transmitted palpably to their comrades in arms. The space marines tensed, awaiting the expected attack. One hundred and twenty seconds had passed since the first gunship had touched down. The final gunship was just lifting off when a bright beam of light struck its starboard engine. A flash, a thundering crash and smoke poured out from the vaporise engine, the pilot struggling to control the gunship. Like a whiplash, the veil was lifted and Ezekiel saw everything. The weapons platforms secreted within the roof tops of the silos and warehouses. The men taking positions within the buildings and the weapons being loaded for firing all became visible to the two librarians in an instant. It took mere milliseconds for the enhanced sense of the space marines to track the weapon, noticing that the roofs of the silos and warehouses were opening on oiled pistons, displaying automated weapons platforms. The knowledge gained by the librarians was in an instant transmitted to the battle brothers. The response from the emperor's angels swift as it was deadly as the weapons of the ground force and the airborne gunships spoke in unison. The battle for Myrad's Folly had been joined in earnest. Hanan had activated his jump pack and joined the assault squad in the eastern perimeter of the settlement, seeking to outflank the enemy. The weapons platforms on the roof tops were gradually being silenced, by the combined fire of devastators and precision attack runs by the gun ships. He was in constant contact with Azadael, who seemed to be making rapid progress from the northern perimeter, the presence of the venerable dreadnought allowing them to lay down suppressive fire while advancing.

The Angels of Absolution had penetrated deep in to the northern buildings, clearing out each one in turn. Conducting themselves as precisely as if they were on a practice drill, the tactical squads provided enveloping fire while the assault squads waded in to each building, preceded by fragmentation grenades. They few terrified survivors blindly running out in to the withering bolter fire of the waiting squads. Azadael continued to exert his will to insert tendrils of fear in to their enemies' minds, weakening their resolve and creating panic. However up to now, they had mowed down heretics by the score, but these were ordinary humans. Neither a single mutant nor traitor marine had been sighted. Yet there was something within the midst of the settlement that he couldn't see clearly in his mind. Whatever it was they, the emperor's angels would discover in the end. Resolutely he urged his men around the next corner as the advance continued.
Doctrinae Unforgiven
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Member of the Inner Circle
EPIC Strategy
Gathering of Angels
Apocrypha Caliban
Codex Astartes Angelus Mortis
Legio Infitiales Venia
Battle Honours
Chronicled By ( Shadow Guard )
This section provides the narrative history of the events that took place during the Gathering of Angels campaign conducted by the Inner Circle, during Abaddon's Thirteenth Black Crusade. This is in no way the official GW version nor is it in anyway an attempt to infringe on their IP. There are many versions of imperial history buried within the sands of time and this is but just one of them. Read on if you dare!
GoA Volume I: Revelation
GoA Volume II: Nest of Vipers
GoA Volume IV: Battle for Caliban
GoA Volume III: The Grand Circle
GoA Appendices
GoA Volume V: Desperate Hours