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The Fallen Brothers.
dark Angels Chapter
By Anderson Mac Donald
Leading his squad during an incursion of the Orkazin Waaugh Alacanon was teleported into the heart of the enemy camp to disrupt the command and control of the Waaugh.  He did more, much more.  Finding that the Brother carrying the homer was lost in the Warp there was no return for the squad.  What ensued was a no quarter battle for the command bunker on the top of a hill.  The Brothers fought with flame and cannon, storm bolter and power fist.  The Orks seemed endless in number and determination.  For 3 days the Brothers held as the men of the Imperial Guards Cadian 8th fought their way through to the camp. The Mighty Orkazin himself led the final charge in his Mega-armor, determined to sweep the Brothers from the hill.  Alacanon faced him in single combat.  The battle lasted for over an hour, with blow after blow deflected, counterstrike and parry, until Alacanon's power sword found a weak spot in the Boss Orks armor and he fell, green ichor pouring out of the rent.  Alacanon plunged the sword through the head of the beast and twisted until it moved no more.  He cut the head from the body and held it high, letting the blood run over his armor.  Seeing their leader dead caused the Orks to break and they ran straight into the Cadians, who cut them down.
In 948.M41 the now Captain Alacanon was leading a contingent of the 1st Company in hunting down the many space hulks infesting the Eye of Terror.  During these operations his ship was engaged by the Chaos Cruiser Malevolent Ruin.  His rapid response ship was too lightly armed to engage in a slugging match so he ordered the ship to ram the cruiser.  The Chaos ship was surprised by the maneuver and was impacted on the prow without causing much damage.  Alacanon and his Brothers poured into the ship, blasting anything in their path.  Assault cannons and flamers tore into the Chaos hordes as they rushed to try and stop the Deathwing.  As the mangled bodies piled up the crew of the ship manhandled several melta torpedos into the bow of the ship.  Alacanon fell back to his ship and detonated the torpedos.  The prow of the ship was blown off, and sympathetic explosions rippled through the doomed ship.
As a result of his actions Captain Alacanon was honored with a membership in the Inner Circle and the rank of Master.  He has been assigned to command an ad hoc taskforce of ships and Marines drawn for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 8th companies.  Taskforce Resolution was heavily involved in the campaign to Hunt the Fallen, focusing his efforts in the Amicus Cluster.  His current assignment is in the Carthusia system on the planet of Telemon.
His favorite weapon is The Sword of the Avenger, one of the many sacred swords of the Dark Angel armory.  He will supplement it with a bolt pistol or plasma pistol as the situation requires.  He also wears Master Artificer crafted power armor in the old style.
Olympus Victor: Awarded for participation in the Champions of the Unforgiven Contest 2005
Olympus Victor: Awarded for participation in the Champions of the Unforgiven Contest 2005