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Every combat organization, from the lowliest rebel army to the most complex Imperial Guard formations, requires a distinct order of battle and a clear chain of command. The Adeptus Astartes is no exception to this requirement. However, unlike the extremely complex and multi-tiered command structure of the Imperial Guard, the chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, by virtue of their small size have a much more concise and clear chain of command. The chapter command hierarchy of the Dark Angels chapter follows the outline of the Codex Astartes but differs in a number of key features.

The nomenclature of the command structure of the Dark Angel chapter is a source of much confusion to the outsider, particularly those adepts in the administratum who struggle to keep the various chapters under observation. The command nomenclature is two fold. One is the specific ranks given to individual members of the chapter as recognition of their services and abilities. The second is the name of the command positions to which these individuals are assigned.


This is the first step for a promising Dark Angel battle brother. The majority of brother-captains are promoted from their previous rank of veteran sergeant or even sergeant. A disciplined and honorable service within the company organization over a period of fifty to one hundred, and a rise through the ranks from veteran space marine to veteran sergeant years usually precedes this accomplishment. These Dark Angels have proven themselves in the field of battle as worthy warriors and capable commanders with very potent leadership abilities. Brother-Captains usually belong to one of the outer rings of the Deathwing.

They are commonly assigned command of small detachments of a company and small strike forces. They remain within the company structure and usually remain in the position of command of the first squad of that company, where they had previously held command as its sergeant. This allows a degree of redundancy of command should the company commander be unavailable or become a casualty in the field of battle. It is in such rare occasions that such an individual with the rank of captain would command an entire company.


This is the earliest command rank that is allowed official command of a company. Those being promoted to this level would have completed approximately fifty to seventy five years of distinguished service as a captain. Promotion to the rank of Master is preceded by the ritual ceremony in which the officer is admitted to the Inner Circle of the Deathwing. Few secrets are with held from these individuals.


These are unique and highly motivated individuals with more than two to three centuries of dedicated service in the command ranks of the chapter. They have proven their battle field abilities many times over and their unquestioning loyalty has allowed them access in to the inner most secrets of the chapter. Grandmasters command companies, lead strike forces and form the nerve centre of the chapter's headquarters where they remain loosely attached. They provide the command staff required to plan the strategy and manage the logistics of carrying them out. Members of Grandmaster rank also command the various other segments of the chapter, including the armorium, Librarium, chaplainry and apothecarium.

Supreme Grandmaster

A unique and utterly dedicated individual, who has proven to be the master strategist and tactician, deft diplomat and cunning planner, a man with foresight and vision, is chosen after many hundred years of flawless service, to lead the chapter as its supreme grandmaster. It is the highest honor the chapter may bestow upon any one of its battle brothers. With the terrible power of the chapter at his grasp comes the great responsibility of steering the chapter in to a balanced future and that of seeking redemption.

He is usually chosen by the preceding supreme grandmaster prior to, and appointed upon his retirement or death. The honorific title of Keeper of the Truth is given to him along with the Sword of Secrets and the Lion Helm, artifacts of extreme relevance and reverence to the chapter and symbols of office of the chapter master.
Doctrinae Unforgiven
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Member of the Inner Circle
This entire section is one attempt to describe the long history of the Dark Angels in a linear form. Every known piece of history and event based on GW publications has been written in my own words and linked together in a reasonably plausible manner by additional fiction. This is in no way the official GW version nor is it in anyway an attempt to infringe on their IP. There are many versions of imperial history buried within the sands of time and this is but just one of them. Read on if you dare!
EPIC Strategy
Gathering of Angels
Apocrypha Caliban
Codex Astartes Angelus Mortis
Legio Infitiales Venia
Battle Honours
Chronicled By ( Shadow Guard )
Chapter High Command
Librarius Angelus Tenebrae
Reclusium Angelus Mortis
Battle Fleet Angelus Mortis
Custodes Castellanus
Commeatus Consul
Administratum Arx
Apothecarium Medicor
Fabricium Mortis
First Company "Deathwing"
Second Company "Ravenwing"
Third Battle Company
Fourth Battle Company
Fifth Battle Company
Seventh Reserve (Tactical) Company
Sixth Reserve (Tactical) Company
Ninth Reserve (Devastator) Company
Tenth (Scout) Company
Eighth Reserve (Assault) Company